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Re-Act, in partnership with Syrian Futures, Media Education and the Edinburgh Electoral Registration Office, have created an instructional video to help Syrian refugees get on the electoral register.

This video was created after the New Scot community we work with reported that they found it incredibly hard to complete the necessary paperwork to exercise their right to vote during the 2021 elections. 

You can view the video on YouTube here



A weekly playgroup for New Scot children in Edinburgh. The group welcomes 30-40 children each Saturday to enjoy various music, sports, arts and crafts activities. The group gives the children the opportunity to develop social skills, learn new practical skills and facilitate their integration into their new community. We also run teen workshops around skills such as animation, podcasting and photography. 

We're always happy to hear from people who want to offer new skills to the group, lead workshops or stage performances. To get involved please contact

This project is run through support by The Robertson Trust. 

Our teen workshops supported by the Essentia administered by Foundation Scotland.


Empty Chairs

Our Women's Support Group provides a cultural appropriate, arabic speaking support group for local New Scot women. 

Run in partnership with Lama Bouchema, a qualified counsellor, the sessions focus on mental health and well-being. Weekly themes include self-exploration, self-expression (including art) , looking after self, shared cultural themes and ways to access support in Edinburgh


We are also in the process of running a pilot project where 5 ladies from the New Scot community are receiving online basic computer classes over a 12 week period. Giving them the skills they need to be independent and leaders in their communities.

This program is run through support by EVOC. 



Since 2015 we have given Welcome Packs to newly-arrived refugee children aged 0-18 years, initially from Syria but more recently from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Sudan and other countries. To date we've distributed over 1000 packs.

The backpacks can be used as school bags and contain stationery, water bottles and snack or lunch boxes, hats, scarves and gloves, underwear, pyjamas, soft toys, books, games and a Welcome to Edinburgh booklet in English and their first language. We also provide New Baby Welcome Packs and Starting School Packs.

This program is run through support by Safe Deposit Scotland, Scottish Lottery Children's Fund & the University of Edinburgh Community Grand Fund


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The Happiness Group is a weekly social meeting for the older members of Edinburgh's refugee community. Each week, the motivated participants explore and learn about the city, ask for practical information, and interact with a wider community of friends, all of which helps with social integration and general wellbeing.


It was launched in early 2020 on the suggestion of the participants themselves, aged 50-75, who play a central role in organising the group's activities.


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The Home Work Club Project provides 1 to 1 after-school tutoring for Primary School students. 

In partnership with the University of Edinburgh, experienced tutors volunteer to prepare one-to-one classes tailored to the needs of each student and delivered virtually. With this structured and focussed approach to learning, students can gain the language skills necessary to better integrate in their Scottish communities, and improve their prospects of further education and employability. 

If you'd like to join the Home Work tuition team, please contact to discuss.



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A major part of our work is organising the collection and distribution of emergency aid items collected throughout Scotland to refugees at home and abroad. Since 2015, we have distributed over 1,500 tonnes of Scottish donations to refugee camps throughout Europe and the Middle East. We have also assisted numerous New Scot families with settling into their new homes with donated goods. 

We're always happy for more helping hands when sorting through and packing the items received! If you're interested in joining the Donation Day volunteer team, please contact

This program is run with support by the Hilden Foundation.


Team work

Working with Joolz Flynn BSc, SEP, BTAA, CThA from the Pain Recovery Clinic, we are providing workshops for the local New Scot community. 


The workshops introduce participants to the physiological background of stress and trauma. They focus on ways of dealing with trauma, such as breathing and relaxation. 

These workshops are run through support by EVOC. 

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© Re-Act Refugee Action Scotland 2023. Proudly created by Refugee Action Scotland Volunteers

Charity Number: 


​Find us: 

Curriehill Crossing, Currie, Midlothian, EH14 4AE

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